Wednesday, 18 March 2009

council ban ‘jargon’ words

the story has been simmering in various press releases ok i get this, use plain English make it easier for the gerneral public to understand what our councils are doing. but as you look into the story it gets better.

The BBC and Computing magazine both report the story with slightly different lists but looking in to the LGA site proves interesting

Looking at what’s on this list and their alternatives taken from the LGA  site (

we get some ‘interesting’ ideas

initiative – idea  ok so this works kinda i think

Capabilities -  (no alternative) so they don’t have the capability to complete this?

Champion – best poresumably no one acted as a champion for this study

Coterminosity – all singing from the same hymn sheet  wait what…we have to sing?

Coterminous – all singing from the same hymn sheet er what? and doesn’t this have more to do with coverage not singing?

Initiative – idea not the process of having ieas then?

Interface – talking to each other right, to no user interface then

LAAs - Why use at all? local area agreements  that why (

Outcomes – results ok
Outcomes – focused ok…wait what ? which is it

Paradigm - Why use at all? well its a word used since the 15th century so i guess it has a basis in the english language

Proactive - Why use at all? indeed why be proactive

Single Point of Contact – everything under one roof  i suppose if  i have a single point of contact then they always under on roof…yes?

Social exclusion – poverty really so social exclusion is always basd on wealth not race, religion, geography…?

Sustainable – long term yep fair enough
Sustainable communities – environmentally friendly, um not putting an enforced environmental slant on this but how can Sustainable mean one thing and Sustainable communities be something totally different?

Taxonomy - Why use at all? helps if your talking about…ooh i dunno taxonomies?

Welcome – necessary and needed/step in the right direction what? I’m sorry did i miss somethign here?

finally however one that makes total sense

Process driven – shouldn’t everything be people driven?  finally one that makes sense…