I’ve been away for a while, BSOD and totally destruction of my machine redressed my priorities but all is now well.
As a result I’ve been re- registering for a number of service that I used to automatically log in to, and faced with various forms of Captcha interface, now don’t get me wrong any system that prevents and slows down the spammer is good BUT is Captcha really the best we can do?
I recently worked on a project for the science museum that needed to have a visitor registration system, they defined a Captcha service for that and I decided to have a look around and see if there were better options.
One that really caught my eye was the reverse Captcha method, rather that require the human user fill in a field that copies the obscure image, add a field that absolutely HAS TO BE EMPTY. as the spam bot goes through the form it will fill in useless information including the empty filed. Advantage, inconvenience the spammer not the visitor/user whish is always a good thing, ‘don’t make me think’ right?.
it’s got to better than bizarre cats and dogs wrapped around gothic script ;)